Privacy policy and General Terms and Conditions


Endovascular Foundation, (hereinafter referred to as "event manager") as Data Controller of the personal data and in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as, GDPR) informs you that the data collected will be used:

- In case of questions and suggestions, only to answer them. The legal basis for this treatment is the legitimate interest. After the questions raised are addressed, the data will be deleted within one month.

- In case of registration in the event and subsequent interactions, with the purpose of managing its attendance at the event and any related incidents as well as fiscal, economic, accounting, administrative and organizational management, and communicating information to those Public Administrations that is mandatory in compliance with applicable law. Similarly, your data will be communicated to hotel establishments, travel agencies and sponsors to enable your attendance at the event.  Your name and image on the occasion of your presence at the event may be spreaded on social networks, websites and media for advertising and promotional purposes, always respecting at all times your dignity and personal honor. In case you do not authorize the aforementioned data processing, you will not be able to attend the event. The legal basis for these data treatments is the maintenance of the contractual relationship in the case of event management and the express consent given with the acceptance of this Privacy policy in the case of the treatment of your image. Your identifying and economic data will be retained during the periods stipulated by the applicable tax legislation and will be communicated to the Tax Administration in case it is required by the regulations in force. The data relating to your image for the occasion of your attendance at the event will be retained for the necessary periods to achieve the advertising and promotional purposes and in any case until your will against it is expressed. In case the registration is made by a natural or legal person other than the assistant, such natural or legal person has previously guaranteed that the event assistant has accepted this Privacy policy. The natural or legal person responsible for the data entry in the recruitment process must provide proof of the acceptance of the assistant in case the event manager or the technical secretary is required to do so by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The contact person details of the natural or legal person other than the person concerned who is engaged on behalf of the assistant shall be treated on the legal basis of the development of the contractual relationship between the parties, in order to manage the business relationship and will be used while the contractual relationship remains in force.

- In the case of commercial communications to the assistants to inform them of future medical or scientific events, in accordance with the Recital 47 RGPD, the legal basis of the treatment is the legitimate interest and your data will be kept as long as you do not express your will against it.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition, limitation and data portability by contacting the Data Protection Officer of the Technical Secretary at the address Calle de los Monasterios de Suso y Yuso, 34, 3 - 14 - 2, 28049 Madrid (Spain). The assistants can also file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if consider that their rights have been infringed. In compliance with the Spanish Law 34/2002, the assistants can revoke the consent granted for mailing of commercial communications at the mailbox



The present General Conditions of Contracting (hereinafter GTC) will regulate the commercial relationship that arises between Endovascular Foundation, (hereinafter, the Event manager) and the client for the contract made through the forms that the Event manager makes available. DOCTAFORUM SERVICIOS SL in the delivery of the requested service carries out a work of intermediation between the client and the Event manager as Technical Secretariat.

The reservation will mean the express acceptance of these conditions. These conditions shall apply without prejudice to the existing legal provisions on the subject.

These GTC regulate the distance selling relationship between the Event manager and the user or client, in accordance with the applicable legislation in the field of electronic procurement and consumer protection. The Event manager reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate, without prior notice, in the GTC. Such modifications may be made, by any form admissible in law and shall apply during the time when they are published In the web and until they are amended validly by other later. However, the Event manager reserves the right to apply, in certain cases, specific terms of contract in preference to the present GTC when considered it appropriate, through posting on time and in an appropriate manner.

Prior information to the reservation
The Event manager informs that the reservation procedure through its web pages is detailed in the corresponding section for the formalization of the reservation.

By formalizing the reservation with the Event manager through its website, the user or client expressly declares to know, understand and accept the present GTC. In the same way the user declares to be of age and have the legal capacity and to act necessary for the access to the Web and the hiring by means of them. The user is responsible for confidentially and responsibly dealing with the identity and password obtained in the registration as a client, not being able to assign them to another.

Supply of reserves and benchmark pricing
In compliance with the current regulations and, in particular the law 34/2002 of services of the information society and electronic commerce, the Event manager offers in the corresponding section for the formalization of the reservation information on all the possible reservations, characteristics and prices. However, the Event manager reserves the right to withdraw, replenish or change the offers offered to its customers through its website, through the simple change in the content of the same. In this way, the products and/or services offered at any time by the website of the Event manager will be governed by the GTC in force in each case. Likewise, the company will have the power to cease offering, without prior notice and at any time, the access to the products and/or services mentioned.

Indication of prices.
Each possible reservation will be indicated for its price and if it has incorporated VAT or any other tax that, if applicable, is applicable. The prices indicated on screen will be the ones in force at any time except typographical error. When the price is different for the above mentioned reason, the Event manager will communicate it to the client, via e-mail, before proceeding the collection of the reservation.

The availability of the offers offered can vary depending on the demand of the customers. Although the Event manager updates the database periodically, the reservation requested by the customer could be complete at that time. In this case, the Event manager forward an e-mail to the customer informing you of the impossibility of the availability of the offer.

Payment methods
The customer must pay the amount for the contracted service using the payment methods available on the website.

Payment methods: Bank transfer and credit card through the web (Visa, Mastercard and Amex). These may vary by event and will be specified on a case-by-case basis
The invoices will be issued and sent by the Technical Secretariat of the event, DOCTAFORUM SERVICIOS SL.

Cancellation of the reservation
The possible cancellation fee will be established in each case in the "conditions of cancellation of registration and accommodation" of each particular event.

In the case of cancellation of the reservation, the user must request by email the cancellation or refund of the amount of the service. Each case will be valued by the Technical Secretariat.

As established in law 3/2014, of 27 March amending the revised text of the General Law for the defense of consumers and users, the user is entitled to the withdrawal of the service contracted within 14 days from the confirmation. Any request for withdrawal must be sent to the Technical Secretariat.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
The relationship between the user and the Event manager will be governed by current and applicable regulations in the Spanish territory. If any controversy arises the parties may submit their disputes to Arbitration.